Product Description:
Singapore-style fire-grilled jerky (aka Bak Kwa) is a popular street food and the most popular jerky in the Asia Pacific. Originating in Singapore, it started being sold by Singapore hawkers almost a century (100 years) ago. Today, there are no less than 1,000 such specialty stores and roadside vendors across Asia Pacific countries. According to U.S. Customs, it's the most smuggled meat snack by returning American travelers visiting Asia Pacific, and the most confiscated meat product.
Taste and Texture: Fragrant Jerky's original flavor beef jerky has a light sweet taste, semi-dried texture, light glazed, and natural smoky BBQ flavor from the fire grilling process.
Your order is made fresh at our USDA(FSIS)-inspected & licensed facility before being shipped to you the same day.
Ingredients: meat, sugar, fruit juice, soy sauce, fish sauce, spices, sea salt, and celery powder. No synthetic nitrates, nitrites, or artificial preservatives are used.
Directions for use: For that fragrant BBQ aroma and fresh-off-the-grill taste, reheat meat until lukewarm in a microwave for 10-30 seconds.
Fragrant Jerky was voted three times Los Angeles Times' "Handmade Gift" and Food Category winner.
Since 2012, Fragrant Jerky products have been produced at our USDA-inspected facilities in Los Angeles. Daily production is supervised by our third-generation Singapore Bak Kwa maker.
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- 您的订单将是新鲜烧烤并在当天以快递发货,以确保最好的质量
- 新美香現烤肉干曾三度被《洛杉矶时报》评选为“手工礼物”和食品类获奖者
- 不添加合成硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐或人工防腐剂。本产品仅使用天然成分
新加坡风味现火烤肉干(又名Bak Kwa)是亚太区一种流行的街头小吃、它是亚太人最喜欢的肉干。起源于新加坡、近一个世纪(100年)前开始由新加坡小贩出售、目前此类专卖店和路边摊不少于1,000家遍布亚太各国。根据美国海关报告、新加坡风味現烤肉干是访亚太地区后返美旅客最爱走私的肉类零食(美国禁止肉类进口)。它也是被海关没收最多的肉制品。
味道和质地: 新美香原味牛肉干具有淡甜味、半干的质地、和来自火烤过的天然烟熏烧味。
原料: 肉、糖、果汁、酱油、鱼露、香料、海盐、芹菜粉。不添加合成硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐或任何防腐剂。
使用说明: 将肉在微波炉中加热10-30秒直至微温。这会使肉干感觉嫩,更有烧烤香气和新鲜的烧烤味道。